I wouldn't call Eastwood a "bigot" even though his political views leaned conservative as he aged. People between age 50 and Eastwood's age recall a way of life that was simpler and when the tentacles government didn't reach into each and every area of a person's private life; those people, including Eastwood, would like to see a return of some of the better aspects of those bygone days. Naturally, Eastwood overplayed his hand at the 2012 GOP Convention, but just because he aligned himself with the Republican Party on some key issues doesn't make him or ANYONE "bigoted."
No matter what his (real or IMAGINED) shortcomings, Eastwood must have been pretty good friends with the late African American actor Albert Popwell, who appeared with Eastwood in COOGAN'S BLUFF and the first four Dirty Harry movies; Eastwood also directed and starred in GRAN TORINO, portraying a gruff and jaded elderly man who sheds his prejudices and becomes a surrogate father to a young Hmong immigrant man who is pressured by a Hmong street gang. Seriously, how "bigoted" does one have to be to have worked with Albert Popwell numerous times and to film a story about a friendship that crosses racial barriers?
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