MovieChat Forums > Niagara Discussion > Earliest Example of Product Placement?

Earliest Example of Product Placement?

I wonder if Shredded Wheat or Coca-Coca paid 20th Century Fox a fee to have their products featured so prominently in Niagara, It struck me as unusual to hear the names of real-life products mentioned by name in a movie as old as this one is, especially the Shredded Wheat references. I almost felt as if I was watching a commercial.

"How's that for Japanese efficiency?"


Yeah, we think of product placement as something relatively recent (70s or so), but actually you can find examples in films going back to the 30s and earlier, thouhg not nearly as often as today.

I can't imagine Fox could have used Shredded Wheat (or Coke) without their permission, especially since this was movie involving a couple of murders (not usually great corporate publicity), and the fact that the two Shredded Wheat employees are portrayed as a couple of jerks. Maybe Fox should have paid them.


I also saw Chesterfield cigarette packs, and more than one of the cars that were shown close-up were Fords.
