anyone else have this problem?

Fluctuation in audio levels.

Got a copy from netflix, watched it and liked it a lot. The only thing that ruined it was the audio levels. One moment I couldn't hear anything the next, BAM! Had to constantly adjust the volume. I usually watch movies with subtitles turned on, in case I misunderstand dialogue, or, in this case, not hear it at all. Just thinking maybe it was just my version of the dvd, and maybe they had fixed the audio in a later edition.


There has been something squirrely about the audio since the VHS and laser re-issue way back when. I've read that the original theatrical audio was in stereo to go along with the 3D - but the stereo remix is not only balanced completely different from the mono prints we all grew up with, there is also phase cancellation if you play it in mono! Also, the sound effects leading up to the opening title are somewhat different from previous versions. Were you listening through your TV's speaker and if so is it stereo or mono, or did you use a home theatre system?

Fortunately, I have mono prints with the older and better mix, but the DVD audio is the same mess as before. I'm hoping for a 3D BluRay release - but please Universal, remix the audio and try the emulate the feel of the old mono prints! I suspect the people who handle the technical aspects of re-issues don't bother to study older versions and probably are not actually fans of the films they work on.



Man, I thought no one would respond. 8 months later and I still have no clue what's up with my DVD. Your explanation makes sense, though. Since I did watch it with subtitles, sometimes they would appear when, it seemed, no one was talking, which would explain phase cancellation.

I think for most fans, this movie is a guilty pleasure: 1950s sci-fi schlock at its cheesiest, but a fun watch. It doesn't seem to be on the same levels Forbidden Planet, so we might not see a blu-ray release; could be wrong though, and I hope I am.

As for which device I used to watch the movie, it was my computer, which is, of course, stereo.


I once purchased a 3D version of this film (I know that All Movie Guide says that there don't seem to be any 3D prints but obviously some survived) and it has stereo sound. I noticed that in some scenes, the sound seems to be in a different location then the picture suggests. Sometimes the sound seems distant (although the volume is pretty much fine). As mentioned before, this could have been a problem with the mixing to mono.

The 3D version is the only one I have at present, although I'll be picking up the regular release soon. The version I have is obviously not an official release.

I like watching it in 3D. Unfortunately, the film is a somewhat soft recording, but much of the 3D still looks really good. This version has both anaglyph and shutter versions. I don't have the set up for shutter so I'm using the paper tinted blue red glasses. Even with this, I was pretty impressed at how well the 3D was shot. I would love to see this movie (along with Creature From the Black Lagoon & Revenge of the Creature) released in Blu ray 3D.


Watched my DVD last night and no problem. Netflix can be a problem and combined with cable or satellite it can really mess up sound and picture quality.


surprisingly not. i noticed that in the 50s the movies didnt had fluctuation audio levels much. whole nowadays every second movie does this to such a horrible extent that i want to shoot someone. Just another thing new age cinema has t learn from the past.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


There was no problem that I noticed with my DVD.
