Can I trust what I'm seeing?
If you look up "List of Blu-ray 3D releases on Wikipedia, you will see "It Came From Outer Space" slated for a UK 3D release in July 2016!
OK that means it will not be region 1 (I'm in the US) but if this comes to pass, Can a Region 1 official release be far behind?
If anyone else knows of any info We'd love to hear. For many fans this would be the holy grail of classic 3D releases and this is the first sign I've seen of a potential 3D release - HOPE! HOPE!
Just found this
Scroll down and you can see the rear of the Blu ray for "It Came From Outer Space" and lists within the extras that it will contain the original 3 channel Stereo soundtrack.
I hope this pans out. I purchased "Inferno" in 3D which has very similar packaging and turned out to be region free. Inferno looked pretty darn good. I really have my fingers crossed.