Music in menu
Good day to you all,
As i'm a big fan of Stewart, and I absolutely love the work he did with Anthony Mann, i happened to stumble upon the Dutch version dvd of Bend of the River and I immediately bought it. I thought this was a really good movie, but what i loved maybe equally to the movie, was the absolutely stunning piece of music playing while the dvd's main menu was visible. It lasted for exactly one minute and I think it didn't return in the movie at all. I tried to find it by looking up Hans J. Salter, who composed the music for the movie, but nothing came up. On youtube I couldn't find anything either. Is there anyone who can help me find the name of this piece of music and it's composer? Maybe even a link to where i could listen to the whole piece?
This is a link to what my version of the dvd looks like, so we know we're talking about the same piece of music:
Thanks in advance.