Reva Dylan and Susan

Never really thought of this while watching the show, but after reading Kim Zimmers book I realized something interesting. Reva came to Springfield in Nov of 1983 and was around 28 years old (the age Kim Zimmer was.) How in the world could she have had a son old enough to have a baby in 1987?


It's a soap. Evidently the space-time continuum works differently there.

Dylan was a really great character. He added a lot to the show. That's enough. don't sweat the details. It'll only make you crazy.


um...pretty easy when both have babies when they're teenagers! Not much of a stretch especially in the soap world. You've never heard of 16 yr olds having kids??

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.


Harley & Dylan were teens when Harley got pregnant. So it's possible.
