Danny and Michelle firing

I know there were budget cuts in 2005, but why were a couple as popular as Danny and Michelle let go? I loved Paul Anthony Stewart and I thought Nancy St. Alban was just as good if not better than Joy Lenz. I've just started watching all the episodes I never got to see (where Edmund kidnaps baby Hope.)


I was under the impression that they really weren't all that popular. Sure they were trying to make us believe they were popular and there was a small group of vocal fans who wanted us to believe that, but in fact they really weren't. I don't know anyone who liked them.

It really is unfortunate that this was a time of the show when TPTB seemed terrified to do anything with the couples of the show. They were afraid they'd piss someone off so they kept boring couples together. See: Matt and Vanessa...so sad what happened to them. They were boring as hell and instead of writing good stuff and breaking them up (yes that's what needed to happen, they just let them die.)

Remember the magic words: "Please", "Thank you" and "Step off bitch!"


I was a Danny & Michelle fan when Joie Lenz played 'Michelle'. It was she who had the chemistry with Paul Anthony Stewart's, 'Danny'.

The last actress (whose name I can never remember)to play Michelle just flatlined with him. It was PAINFUL. It was like 'Danny' was with pod person, 'Michelle'. I don't know why they had any fans, vocal, or otherwise, in the end.


Paul Anthony Stewart is a fantastic actor, so I guess a paper bag would have had chemistry with him. Interesting that you say they weren't popular- I know when Michelle lost her memory and they tried to change the character (making her a nasty biatch and suddenly in love with Danny's cousin Tony), people called out the writers on that. But, you have to admit, after 2005 (when Danny and Michelle left) the show was terrible-especially those outdoor scenes which were downright embarrassing.

True, Matt and Vanessa were a bore!


I liked Danny and Michelle too, I didn't like it when they changed the character either.


I agree. Matt and Vanessa as a couple were a train wreck. Never were believable together. Now Billy and Vanessa were obviously the love of each others lives. Glad they brought them back together for the end of the show.

northernlad wrote:

It really is unfortunate that this was a time of the show when TPTB seemed terrified to do anything with the couples of the show. They were afraid they'd piss someone off so they kept boring couples together. See: Matt and Vanessa...so sad what happened to them. They were boring as hell and instead of writing good stuff and breaking them up (yes that's what needed to happen, they just let them die.)


I liked Danny and Michelle as a couple back in the late 90's and early 2000's when Joy Lenz was casted as Michelle liked her better than the last actress. I remember them recasting Michelle twice after the actress that played Greenlee from All My Children was playing her. When I first started watching Guiding Light in 1997 Michelle was one of my favorites. Harley, Cassie (Laura Wright), Beth, Vanessa and Reva all were my favorites.
