Who is Lia Yang? Am I the only on who has no idea who she is???
I watched a GL for many years so why am I having a hard time remembering who Lia Yang "Susan" is? Am I the only one who has no idea who she is???
shareI watched a GL for many years so why am I having a hard time remembering who Lia Yang "Susan" is? Am I the only one who has no idea who she is???
shareWhat's the time frame for the character?
shareIMDB states that she was on the show from 1993 to 2007 and was in 503 episodes and the character she played was named Susan. I watched GL from the late 1970's until it's conclusion and don't ever rmember her.
shareI'm cloudy on this... I wonder if she was on consecutively... I'm thinking she was Roger's henchwoman (although those years don't really jive) or Nick's bride, the one who was HIV positive.
shareI think this was from 1994. It was Alan's henchwoman that tried to set Nick up (he was married to Mindy at this time).
I love Jesus Christ and am 100% proud!
I just went in to the message board on her IMDB page and there are people who have posted that they don't believe she was on the show and that an error has occurred. I tend to agree with them because I watched GL religiously and don't ever remember seeing her on the show.
shareShe did play a character named Susan, who was just a henchwoman for someone, probably Alan, and only for a very brief period---at most a few weeks, not 14 years. I do remember her, though.
As The World Turns: Lia Yang returns...
TV Guide News
Oct 27, 2000 04:00 AM ET
by TV Guide News
As The World Turns: Lia Yang returns as Mei-Lin on Nov. 2….
Unfortunately that still doesn't answer why it states why she is listed for GL as a character named Susan?!?! but definitely good info!!!
shareFinally found some information out about her! She was on GL briefly in 1997 when Alan returned. She was one of his "hench woman" and was killed after a few episodes. On IMDB it's stated that she was on a lot more episodes than the actually was. I'm wondering if there is some confusion because her character was named Susan then later Daisy changed her name to Susan. If anyone is interested in seeing what her character was about it can be found under the title "The return of Alan Spaulding" on a certain video sight that shall not be named.
shareHere' some footage of her from 1994 during Alan's surreptitious return to Springfield.