Most annoying storyline?

For me it had to be Nola versus J. Brooks, the 12 year old computer genius college professor the college arranged to stay with Nola and Quentin in the summer of 1984. Nola decides she going to force him to be more like a kid his age.

It was so excruciatingly bad that Nola and Quentin were off the by 1985.


The 84 story is a few years before I started watching. I always remember the Reva clone story as being the most annoying, and worst, I saw in 20 years of watching the show. And a great soap it was for most of those 20 years.


I know a lot of people hated the clone storyline. I didn't mind it. One could argue it had too much Reva, or was the catalyst for the weirder storylines of the early 2000s (didn't they go through a mirror at one point?!). It was an interesting twist to the Annie storyline (she tried to kill Reva and instead is part of the reason there ended up being two).


*Reva clone
*Jammy (that was just disgusting!)
*Nursery Rhyme Stalker

I love Jesus Christ and am 100% proud!


The Reva Clone storyline. Baaaaaaaaad.đźšľ


Any story line that involved one of the Santos family. I swear to God they started driving the show into the ground at that point and trying to force the audience to like that story line. It was awful.

Also, was not happy when most of the show started taking place in San Cristobal...and unfortunately that too started having the Santos family in it. Ugh!

Just remember, life without me would be even more unbearable!


The whole Reva and Cassie switching partners with Josh and Jeffery and then Reva having Jefferys baby...SICK!

Hated when Alan ended up bein the baby daddy to Beth's little girl and not Rick

Daisy being de agged and Dating her ex step brother

Harley Sleeping with her niece Marinas boyfriend Cyress...gross!


So many terrible, terrible storylines: Reva the clone, time traveling through that damn painting, Caroline Carruthers, San Cristobal, the Santos family. And then various characters being written ridiculously: Holly kidnapping all the kids in Springfield, Alexandra Spaulding the drug dealer, Beth as Lorelei in that horrible red wig. Who thought any of this crap was interesting?


reply 202 03/17/2015


That whole thing pissed me off so much. Lisa Brown and Michael Tylo deserved better.


Really anything involving Danny Santos or the island of San Cristobal. I know everybody likes Jonathan, the son of Reva, but his character was a real sleazy piece of work and I never I really liked him. Tom Pelphrey did a good job on Ozark though
