Can't Get Enough!

Man, I love this movie. I stole an old VHS recording my grandma made of it many many moons ago (colorized). I was not really into Westerns. I'd been forced to sit through too many boring B&Ws as a child that I resented them, frankly.

But this movie didn't have the standard Western plot. No slow scenes of people crawling around on their belly and crouching behind rocks to shoot people. And as a female, I was more emotionally invested in the womens' journey--I was able to put myself in their shoes.

Anyhow, I know people may boo and hiss but I wish that there had been a sequel or even a remake of this film. Of course it probably wouldn't be as good and honest as the original. But I want MORE. I want to find out what happens after the women reach the valley and meet their men. I want to see their journey re-told from perhaps another angle, or including additional adventures they had to go through.


Anyone who wants another chance to watch this can check it ut on Turner Classic Movies Tonight, Friday, June 13th, at 11:45 Eastern Daylight Savings Time.

Warning: The following link contains a plot summary, so anyone who hasn't seen the movie might want to skip that portion.

Surely there's a ring of hell for greenlighting Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell movies.


Really good film. Although the ladies steal the show, I always like Robert Taylor and thought he did a great job in this film. Hope Emerson is fantastic as "Patience" and adds a lot of fun to the mix.
This is one film that may very well be a fun remake to consider.

Step on it! And don't spare the atoms!


Hope Emerson is fantastic as "Patience" and adds a lot of fun to the mix.

Agreed, and she gets some of the best lines too.

I'd also probably survive any journey if I had Ito, Maggie O'Malley, and Patience Hawley as my companions. They have a nice combination of grit, good sense, humor, and humanity.

Great movie, and of course it would be one to consider remaking.

Surely there's a ring of hell for greenlighting Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell movies.


I love this film. Years ago it was shown often (very often) on one of the network's late, late show and I saw it dozens of times, I never got tired of it.


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!


There was a follow-up/sequel to this movie. It was called "Eastward the Women". Seems they all got fed up with the men and decided to go back east. ;)


Oh drat! It turns out "Eastward The Women" is non existent.


Your wish might be granted for a sequel, if not in the movies, in fanfiction. Google "Westward the Women" fanfiction and see what you might find. I'm in the middle of such a story, myself.
