Back in those days, ammo was very precious and would not have been wasted in this manner
The OP is correct. Ammo was a precious commodity at the time, so the typical 1950’s western illustrating the protagonist blowing off multiple rounds in a recreational fashion, would have been mostly fictional.
It might come as a surprise to some, but many of the top gunfighters of the time, were not necessarily crack shots. What they did possess however, were nerves of a steel, and a calm demeanor that allowed them to keep their cool long enough, while being fired at by another person, to strategically place a bullet in their adversary, and make it count. Bat Masterson, in one of his final publications, “Famous Gunfighters of the Western Frontier: Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Luke Short and Others”, touched on what made for a good gunfighter, in some detail.
Also interesting was his commentary on Doc Holliday. He went on to mention that ol’ Doc, in addition to being sickly, was a slight fellow, that could easily be taken in a fight by a healthy 15 year old boy. What he did possess however, was an excellent ability in the use of guns and knives, making him one of the deadliest dudes in the old west, despite any physical shortcomings.