I Saw It Before the 2 Sequels
My father had seen this when released in 1951. He told me how many people were absolutely terrified when it came out. I can only imagine. However, I first saw it around 1970. It was on broadcast TV, a rerun of older films. The person on this message board who mentioned cold war propaganda was probably right. You do have to give props for 2 items: Although listed as "uncredited", Howard Hawks was the true director. He was a legend in Hollywood. The other item is, as is mentioned under "Trivia" on this website, this film included the very first with a full body burn. They wrote the under the makeup and asbestos suit (ouch!), he was breathing pure oxygen. It was a miracle this guy didn't get his lungs burned up, which is exactly what would have occurred if the oxygen caught fire. I have the DVD, and I like it. They had the prototypical love interest/hero, and the " newsman" was very goofy. However, I like it. It's a shame the 2011 version does not even mention this one; the original. All 3 films are base on Charles. W. Campbell's 1938 novella, "Who Goes There". A must see.