MovieChat Forums > A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) Discussion > Brando yelling "Stella! Stella!" Believ...

Brando yelling "Stella! Stella!" Believable acting, or no?

something was just a bit off there. Sounded like acting an emotion that he wasn't feeling. He was young, though, and not as experienced.


Maybe Brando is guilty of not feeling that word, I might agree, yes, it seemed hollow and overdone, though he certainly felt all his other lines with passion and intensity.

You would never be able to get something on Vivien Leigh, however. Her pathos was exquisite, terrifying. Her Blanche cannot be touched by your dreaded imaginings. No matter how hard you try to discern a flaw, you will come up empty every time. I know you're gnashing your teeth over it, but you're just going to have to accept this.

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna



I liked the way Blanche spoke. I thought Vivien Leigh did a good job with the southern accent, especially considering Miss Leigh was British. Ditto Scarlett O' Hara. I just realized the most famous southern belle of all time wasn't even American. 

Yeah, Brando's rendering of "Stella" never bothered me that much, Nan. But IY did have a point, however minuscule, and I felt compelled to acknowledge it. Marlon Brando is startlingly powerful. If it were anybody besides the lovely Vivien Leigh, I'd probably be saying that Brando gave the performance in the film that impressed me the most. But I am in awe of Vivien Leigh here.

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna




Very believable! That's Brando!
