MovieChat Forums > A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) Discussion > Am i the only one who always thinks this...

Am i the only one who always thinks this about Leigh?

I am simply not a fan of Leigh's acting style, in all of the films of hers i feel like she always overacts and is extremely melodramatic with overexaggerated facial expressions.

Both in this and Gone With the Wind i was extremely distracted by (and sometimes even laughing at) her overexaggerated melodramatic performances.

Cool for anyone who loves her, and think this is one of the best Lead Actress performances ever given, i just dont see it whatsoever.



I feel the same way. I thought so with Gone With the Wind but didn't want to judge her based on just one film. I was hoping Streetcar might change my mind but I found her even worse in this one.


I get what you're saying, and while I do think her style of acting was more suitable for the precious stage, I nevertheless find her acting (at least in Streetcar) highly effective in its own way.

But yeah, it can be rather distracting... you know, her very theatrical performance juxtaposed with Brando's total naturalism.

You want something corny? You got it!

