That scene never struck me as being particularly incongruous. The other more usual scenario where someone shot goes down immediately is what is not actually congruent. As long as his spine was intact, Joe could have gone on walking, even as mortally wounded. It is a cinematic fallacy that has people die as easily and as quickly as they have long done in films.
This. Even if he were shot in the heart or head, he could keep walking for a few more feet and then fall into the pool. People don't drop like stones right after being shot.
Also, external bleeding can be remarkably little if there's no exit wound. When I was working on an ambulance, we had a guy who shot himself in the chest with a shotgun. It blew his heart to pieces, but the damage was all internal. All there was externally was a small hole about the size of a dime.
And once the heart stops beating, blood stops pumping and bleeding is even less likely to show, especially in a big pool.
Innsmouth Free Press