Wow! Practically a miracle this thing ever got completed!
If you believe all the urban myths and legends surrounding this thing, I can't believe it was ever completed!
Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!
If you believe all the urban myths and legends surrounding this thing, I can't believe it was ever completed!
Dammit Carol Sue, where is the vodka?!
Well, it's not that remarkable. The major problem was that Garland had just returned from a three month long convalescence after which she was in great health and spirits. Within weeks of shooting the same pattern had developed and she left MGM as miserable (and getting fired) as ever. But virtually all of the cast and crew were sympathetic to her tribulations. The exploitation of Judy Garland is well known and it's disgusting. What disgusts me most is the appalling mistreatment of her that the studio perpetrated, but whenever she was in dire need of help, rather than get it for her, they would punitively fire her from projects - compounding her problems more. The reason the film got completed was because the her remarkable talent. Nobody could deny that when she DID turn up for work, she was always marvelous. From producer and director down to the supporting cast, an effort was made here by all involved, to surround Judy with supportive friends and by all accounts it was their ongoing support that allowed it all to proceed.
I'm not sure what urban myths you're talking about, but that's my understanding of the situation.
I think you're right Earl-janoth. First of all, it was the studio and Judy's mother that started her on the addictive pills, and they made her take them every day. Judy never chose to start going down the wrong road in life on her own, she was pushed down it. Secondly, they did not always help her when she needed. She did go on temporary leave to get help during "Girl crazy", but it was still against the studio's will (according to what I've read and in the docu film "Judy, me and my shadows"). But she hardly got any help at all towards the end of her time at MGM, and then they just fired her. I'm not someone who doesn't say that people need to take responsibility for their own actions, but in Judy's case I'm gonna be honest; by in large, she WAS a victim. And I don't go around saying that about every drug addict, a lot of them, it is their fault they got to where they are, but not with Judy. And whenever Judy was back at the studio, almost every time she was on, she was wonderful and amazing. Her singing, her acting, just the way she was. I love Judy Garland.