Next TCM showing 2/6/09; why widescreen?; why no DVD?
Seven Days to Noon will have another showing on TCM Friday, Feb. 6, 2009, at 8:00 PM EST. When it ran on TCM in January I thought it was the film's premiere on TCM, but am not sure.
What I don't understand is where they got a letterboxed version for that showing. This movie was not filmed in any widescreen process (not yet in use in 1950), so clearly this is someone's subsequent reformatting of the film. I'd say the a.r. was 1.78:1, so we're not talking about a major anamorphic look, but it's still very odd, and not the way it was made.
This is yet another superb British film not yet available on DVD in the US. But it appears from the TCM showing that it's owned by Studio Canal, which may indicate that a DVD will one day show up. Excellent thriller, little known today, and deserving of a wider audience. Maybe its upcoming re-broadcast in February will help it gain more recognition.