UK DVD from Optimum

will be out on the 14th of July this year. I called them a few days ago. They delayed it to give it extra care in the remastering!



"Oh look - a lovely spider! And it's eating a butterfly!"
'' ,,


That extra care appears to have been in mastering it with the wrong pixel aspect ratio. The DVD is encoded as 16:9 (tried it with two PC DVD programs and a set-top player, and the 16:9 flag is definitely encoded on the DVD itself), and comparing it with my off-air S-VHS (Channel Four, broadcast 16 November 1999), it looks like they've squeezed the original Academy ratio frame. Note to whatever moron gave it the 'extra care' - widescreen did not come in for another 5-10 years after this film was made!


I haven't seen the DVD, but the film was one of the rare pre-1953 letterbox films. The original theatrical print had an aspect ratio of 1.37. So as long as they didn't stretch the film all the way to 1.78 on 16:9 screens, it nonetheless should be slightly letterboxed on a 4:3 TV.


You're right, they should have released it in the proper 4:3 Academy Ratio.

And it seems they have rectified the issue. According to the reviews on they have since re-issued the DVD, in the correct AR. If you want it in the correct ratio, you need to buy the DVD that has in the product details "DVD Release Date: 22 Feb 2010".

Great film from the Boulting Brothers. I watched this in HD on Film4 (Only available on VirginMedia as far as I know), and the print was in geat shape. And the framing was perfect in 4:3. I suppose it's pretty unlikely to get a Blu-ray release, but maybe if enough people e-mail Optimum, they might do a special edition.

You're not only wrong. You're wrong at the top of your voice
