At least when Errol Flynn would sometimes play a villain there would be something redeeming about him but this horrible Brant Royle does not wear well on Coop at all. Brant Royle verbally stomps on everyone around him even Jack Carson who wishes him, and I thought They Came to Cordura was a bad movie.
Flawed, certainly, but not awful. It is hurt by the fact that Cooper is so mean and nasty in pursuing his vendetta that, though you start out wanting him to succeed, he eventually loses all audience sympathy. Nonetheless the film is smoothly made, with a stellar cast. Patricia Neal's character is also unsympathetic, but she manages to make a strong impression and command the screen whenever she's on. Lauren Bacall and Jack Carson are more sympathetic and Carson is good, while Bacall seems blunted (she's always at her best when she's at her most tart). Such stalwarts as Donald Crisp, Elizabeth Patterson and Gladys George also lend their presences. I can't remember a film of Cooper's where he was so unlikeable. All in all, a pretty typical studio film of the time, from a typical melodramatic novel of the time, with just Cooper's offbeat casting and Neal's surprisingly complex, sexually aggressive character adding spice.
It is hurt by the fact that Cooper is so mean and nasty in pursuing his vendetta that, though you start out wanting him to succeed, he eventually loses all audience sympathy.
He sure lost my sympathy! Plus, it seemed too selfish to let the house burn down while the people who worked there watched in horror. Surprisingly, though, I did like that he was essentially humbled after that.
Speaking of Carson, I've seen more than 40 of his films and so far his role in this ranks as one of my favorites from him.
I thought They Came To Cordura was a pretty good western. It was great to watch Dick York perform before Bewitched. Dick York did a lot of work before Bewitched that has been overshadowed by Bewitched. One sad thing is that Dick York injured his back while performing on TCTC and he never recovered from it. He was in constant pain and became addicted to painkillers which ruined what was developing into a pretty successful career. He finally got free of the pain killers and a part as the villain on Simon and Simon was his swan song.
I agree with you. One of the reasons I pay extra for my package is having the Western channel. There is a difference between lively debate and nastiness and there is no need to be nasty. Happy New Year.