The jug

Can anybody help with identifying the Jug used to indicate when missions were to be flown (rather central to the opening sequence!)

Is it a Pirate, Highwayman, what?




This type of drinking vessel is known as a "Toby Mug". The character depicted on this particular Toby was Robin Hood.
There is at least one maker of reproductions of the mug, and can be found via Google, and are occassionally seen on eBay from keywords:
(clock high) (mug,toby)


Yes, it's a "Toby Mug"

Here's a place you can buy one from :-)


lol... looks like they're really blowing them out--more than two years later, and it still says "for a limited period..."


Hey ragreen259,

......"lol".... as a matter of fact, our production of the Toby Jug is limited in the sense that, if and when the demand dries up, I will quit making them. I'm the originator and exclusive licensee for the replica 918th Bomb Group Toby Jug and have been "blowing them out" for over 13 years now. There happens to be THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of TOCH fans out there...all over the world...enjoying them! The web site mentioned above (which is apparently the brunt of your "joke") is my UK distributor's site and, although he doesn't move as many as I do Stateside, he is a valuable distribution channel for me. Have a little respect!

Pete Plumb
Twentieth Century Fox Licensee #4892



The jug is Robin Hood. It is currently at the Officer's Club at Whiteman AFB, Missouri, home of the 509th Bomb Wing (B-2 bombers). It is still tradition for the mug to be turned around when the bomber wing is on a mission.



While you guys are making up the Tobys, how about putting together a few wind-up
instrument panel clocks in small mahogany or walnut cases like the one the General had next to his rack? Every time I see that clock in the movie, I wonder where the original went.

