My School

this was totally filmed at my school. Ogden High school. in utah!i'm pretty sure anyways, there are like 4 that are filmed there. it's really stupid tho, cuz they painted the lockers and stuff blue for one of the movies, but our school colors are orange and black. and they never changed them back. and if you peel the blue off, there is yellow. stupid huh.


This post tells you a lot about the educational system in Utah!

"Any plan that involves loosing your hat is a BAD plan."


Gately, JessicaRabbit is your new navigator on "The Lepor Colony"! NNNNNOOOO, I don't think it was filmed there Sweetie, but you were close....Eglin Field and Ozark Field are just a few states away.

"Man-O-War started rattlin' yesterday and threw a kid on its head".
