I missed the ending (spoilers)
They put Gregory Peck in a bed and then my VCR stoped the recording ... does anyone know how it ends?
--- Once Upon a Time in the West ---
Keep your loving brother happy! - Frank
They put Gregory Peck in a bed and then my VCR stoped the recording ... does anyone know how it ends?
--- Once Upon a Time in the West ---
Keep your loving brother happy! - Frank
I just saw it and I can tell you that you didn't miss much.
After Peck goes to bed, it goes back to the man the movie started with as he leaves the old airfield and gets up on his bike. He rides off and the movie ends with "The End".
Hope that helps.
Please don't listen to Czechflash. See the ending when you can. It is understated but a great ending to a great movie.
shareAs one of the other posters said, Dean Jagger's character, Major Stovall, rode away on his bike, but something that was left out, was that Stovall put the Toby (the mug) on the mantelpiece where it had been during the war.
shareIf you watch the DVD version, Stovall doesn't put the mug back. But I also remembered him doing that, so was surprised that it wasn't on the DVD. I think that it was added to the version shown on TV.
Best wishes,
No, putting the toby on the mantlepiece was in the novel at the end of the introductory chapter (when Stovall returns to Archbury five years later). It is not the ending of the book and has never been part of any release of the motion picture.
shareIt picks up in 1962, where Gen. Savage is USAF Chief of Staff; he is in the Oval Office, briefing the President in his usual Frank Savage way: "Mr. President, now is our opportunity to strike; if we don't , the Soviets will see us as weak, and will eventually hold us hostage with those missiles down there...what's your decision, Mr. President?"
(President) "You've sold me, General Savage...attack with everything we've got!"
(Savage) "RIGHT! Then that'll send those commies wheeling and dealing!"
(Secdef) "...But...what if they launch those missiles when they see the attack coming?"
(Savage) "That brings me to my next point. We need to supplement this strike with an all-out pre-emptive nuclear strike on the Soviets."
(President) "General Savage, approving your attack on Cuba is one thing, but all-out nuclear war is another; I will not go down in history as one of the greatest mass murderers since Adolf Hitler!"
(Savage) "Mr. President, perhaps you should be more concerned about the American people, rather than your image in the history books!"
(Attorney General) "He's right, Jack."
(President) "Well, uh...all right, General Savage, I will approve the pre-emptive strike on the Soviet Union as well...God help us all.
(Savage) "RIGHT! We'll bomb 'em back into the stone age!"
(Secdef) "General, just what sort of retaliatory response can we expect?"
(Savage) "Mr. Secretary, I'm not saying we won't get our hair mussed. I do say, no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops! Depending on the breaks...."
(President) "Bobby, tell Marilyn to meet me at the Greenbriar!"