Brittles' Tombstones

When John Wayne/Capt Brittles speaks to his wife's grave, I noticed that he and his wife both had the middle name of "Cutting". Why would they both have the same middle name? Was there a practice at one time of married couples taking a common middle name as well as a last name?


I have seen a few tombstones thru Montanna, North and South Dakota. With full names (Mr. and Mrs. John Andrew Stevens) was one and had the wife's "first" name in parentheses or quotation marks..
might have been "old europe" customs.

“When a strong man, fully armed, guards his palace, his possessions are safe.”
(Luke 11:21)



They may have been cousins. Don't forget in Gone With The Wind that Melanie and Ashley Wilkes were cousins, and no one batted an eye over that. Things were different back then, it may not have been looked at as incest, but hospitality.
