MovieChat Forums > The Lone Ranger (1949) Discussion > Jeno's Pizza Rolls commercial

Jeno's Pizza Rolls commercial

Anyone ever see it? I found it on my DVD "1001 Classic Commercials." Can anyone tell me about what year it aired?

Here it is:


I loved this commercial just because Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels were in it.

For those of you too young to remember cigarette commercials, the guy with the cigarette pack, "I want to talk to you about the music you're using", represents the Lark cigarette brand. This commercial is a direct steal from their ads where a car go by with a sign saying Show Us Your Lark pack, and everybody the car passes holds up a pack of Larks. They used the William Tell Overture with the lyric "Have a Lark, have a Lark, have a Lark today".


Commercials were awfully long back in those days, weren't they??


After the Pizza Roll guy is interrupted by the Lark Cigarette guy, who is in turn interrupted by The Lone Ranger, I kept expecting the Ranger to be interrupted by a man holding a bow and arrow, accompanied by a boy with an apple on his head -- but that never happened.

Delightful commercial, though!


Carol, that is a PRICELESS post. Please keep posting. The ad, 1 minute long, was for Geno’s Pizza Rolls, I think around 1957. The music was of course The William Tell overture. They were pushing around a cart with a sign, “Show Us Your Geno’s Pack,” mocking the Lark ad’s “Show Us Your Lark Pack.” A guy who looked hammered, in an askew tuxedo with an off-center bow tie and a cigarette ready to fall out of his mouth, rudely grabbed the guy pushing the cart and barked, “I wanna have a word with you about the music you’re using.” A gloved hand grabs the churl by the shoulder, spins him around. It’s the Lone Ranger and Tonto!!

The Ranger says, “Yes, and I’ve been meaning to have the same talk with you.”

I met Clayton Moore at the New York State Fair when I was a little boy. My Dad know I idolized the Ranger, and he was the anchorman
for the CBS TV affiliate in our home town, so he pulled some strings. He took he into a luxury motor home at the fair, introduced me around, and then Clayton Moore, in full Lone Ranger mufti, walked in. My Dad asked, “You know who THAT is, don’t you?” I was so stunned that I just kind of froze up, giddy but in a good way.

Moore could not have been more understanding and gracious. He gave me a silver bullet🥲

Now you know what a softy I am!

Not for nothing, but I recall that Jay Silverheels was the very first
Native American to be cast in the role of a Native American. It was a silly kids’ show, with Kemosabe and Tonto riding around the same freaking rock every week, but it was also groundbreaking.

Your addendum to the commercial is inspired. Please keep posting here.


Thank you!

Regarding your meeting with the Lone Ranger: My kid brother was a HUGE fan, so our whole family went to all of his local appearances, and he even spoke to my brother once (something like "Hello there, son"), as he rode by on Silver. But a silver bullet!!! Wow!!!

Your statement that Jay Silverheels was the very first Native American to be cast in the role of a Native American could be disputed (Jim Thorpe often played American Indians during his film career in the 30s and 40s, after his athletic career ended, and there may be other examples as well), but Silverheels was arguably the best known in those early days, and was cast in a regular, co-starring role to boot. Even with lines like "Ugh, me go, Kemo Sabe," he portrayed Tonto with dignity, and was treated with respect by the Ranger. So yeah, pretty groundbreaking!


The commercial is false advertisement. They didn't bake pizzas in the Old West
