What set Dobbs off?

What caused Dobb's character change? Earlier in the movie, he somewhat nobly takes what is his from the crooked contractor McCormick and leaves McCormick the rest of the money. He's willing to put up $150 for Curtin knowing he will probably never see that money again. Later in the movie, Dobbs is no longer interested only in what is his and wants to take Howard's share. It seemed the more his partners proved themselves the less he cared about them. I suppose the sense of wealth causes paranoia in Dobbs, but would that be reason why he would abandon Howard after Howard trusts Dobbs enough to leave all his gold with him and Curtin?


The gold had a semi-supernatural quality and it seems some men are especially susceptible to its allure which drives them insane. Dobbs turned out to be such a man. There was a Greed Demon lurking within him and the gold coaxed it out.


Dobbs never really struck me as a stable person to begin with. That coupled with months of paranoia up in the mountains just took its toll.


When he threw the water in the boy's (Rabet Blake) face. That's a tip-off he's not a nice person.
