MovieChat Forums > The Red Shoes (1948) Discussion > What are your favourite scenes?

What are your favourite scenes?

I love the entire film but I really love these scenes.

The Red Shoes ballet sequence.

When Ivan hugs Vicky because he has now accepted her due to her performance in The Red Shoes.

When Vicky arrives at Lermontov's villa(the whole sequence is like a fairy-tale).

The scene at night in the carriage between Julian and Vicky.

The scene when Julian says to Vicky that his music will get her through the performance.

What are other peoples favourite scenes?

"It is my business to protect your majesty.... against all things."


All the ones you mention and many others. It would be a shorter list (a much shorter list) if I was to try to list the scenes I didn't like

The rehearsal where Vicky is having trouble in starting on the right beat.
Julian: See this baton?
Vicky: Yes
Julian: Well follow it!

Beautifully done.



My favourite scene is when Julian first arrives at the practice hall after having just gotten the job from Lermontov. It's a wonderfully long scene with a lot of great commotion and anyone who's had a first day on the job can appreciate both Julian's and Vicky's awkwardness in it!

Aside from that I'd say the carriage scene and any scene with Lermontov.


The first time I saw it, the final ballet performed without a prima ballerina had me choked up all the way through it. It is one of my favorite scenes in film - which is terrible to say because it does not have the gorgeous Moira Shearer in it.



Oh yes Steve that is another wonderful scene. I also love how Lermontov is watching their argument and laughs.

It is my business to protect your majesty.... against all things.


I adore that exchange, but even more so, it's follow up (from memory; not verbatim) "Dance at your pace...I'll follow you."
Edit: To Steve C ... and all, of course


The Red Shoes Ballet is my favorite sequence. it's full of fantasy, magic, and beauty. Everything was perfect, in particular the angelic Moira Shearer.

I also liked the scene where Boris breaks the mirror showing all his despair and impotence.
Of course the ending is memorable albeit too sad. But that's how it has to end.

Beautiful movie and Moira Shearer was simply perfect in every sense.


You're so right Moira was perfect in this film, she gave a magnificent performance and her dancing was spectacular.

It is my business to protect your majesty.... against all things.


There are too many to list, but one of my favorite moments is when Ljubov gives that perfect little smirk at Vicky's over-dressed arrival at the conference. An early use of the Snark technique. :) in secta Decii voluntas mea est!


Practically every scene between Lermontov and Vicky, plus the Red Shoes ballet sequence, I also love that scene with Lermontov where he smashes his hand into the mirror after receiving the telegram of Vicky's marriage.

"Wailing your sorrow is only my way to comfort you.."


Oh yes that mirror scene you mentioned is a very powerful moment. I thought Anton Walbrook was incredible as Lermontov.

It is my business to protect your majesty.... against all things.


<< The Red Shoes ballet sequence >> is impressive, I mean , memorable.

I also love the opening scene.

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I love the scene in rehearsal where Vicky is complaining about the music and Craster is telling her it's not a circus. While they're passionately arguing about things the camera cuts to Lermontov with a big grin on his face. Great scene!


I love just about every moment of the film, but I always wait for the scene where Vicky is dancing the piece from SWAN LAKE in the little theatre to the accompaniment of the phonograph record on the dreary rainy day, and Lermontov sees and responds to her getting lost in the moment


That is another great scene.

It is my business to protect your majesty.... against all things.


My favorite scene is when Lermontov first meets Vicky at her aunt's cocktail party and they are both at the bar getting champaigne cocktails and he realizes she is the one her aunt arranged to perform at the party ........ and Lermontov says he was spared this spectacle ..... and then realizes she was the one to have danced ....... He asks her, "Why do you want to dance?" And she responds, "Why do you want to live?"

And ........ of course, the Red Shoes Ballet is outstanding ..... I also love the scenes with Grisha .. (Leonide Massine) and his overreacting.


The semi-nightmarish dance sequence.


So many great scenes .... but for me the most memorable, albeit very sad, is when Lermontov appears before the curtain to announce the news.
