Also, not all the cows were offspring of the first two the Dunson and Matt brought. In Texas, after the Civil War, there were thousands of "maverick" cows- animals that had never been branded. With so many Texas men off to fight the war, the cows simply bred like jackrabbits in the Texans' absence. In that time and place, any unbranded cow belonged to whoever branded it. I'm sure that Dunson had his men scouring the prairie and brush, branding mavericks like crazy. For a brief time after the war, some ranchers paid a small bonus to their hands for every maverick they branded. It's estimated that in the 20 years following the War, Texas exported around 6 million cows to other states. I have no trouble believing a herd of 8000 plus cows, as long as there were men enough to handle them.
Also, the $50,000 check that the buyer gives Matt is just an advance, so Matt can pay his men, buy supplies, etc. The balance will be paid after a firm count of the cattle is made. The balance will be in excess of $100,000, when it is finally paid.
"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's living!!!"
Augustus McCrae