Dunson and Bunk
After the fatal stampede, Dunson goes to whip Bunk, the chow hand whose bungling attempt to steal more sugar sets off the stampede. Understandably, Bunk doesn't want to take any punishment, but just as he goes to shoot Dunson in supposed self-defense, Matt pulls his gun, shoots and wounds Bunk -- thereby sparing Bunk's life as well as further punishment. The rest of the cowhands clearly disapprove of Dunson's actions, and Matt and Groot both tell Dunson he was wrong to want to whip or kill Bunk.
But why? Bunk is a selfish, useless fool. He's a coward, unwilling to answer for his actions. His stupidity and greed caused the stampede, cost the group several hundred head of cattle, and worst of all resulted in the death of an innocent man. Why should he get off?
I think Dunson was absolutely within his rights to punish him, and should have. Whether he intended simply to whip Bunk or kill him is a bit unclear, since afterward Matt says he fired because Dunson would have killed Bunk, to which Dunson replies, "Just as sure as you're standing there." Frankly, I would have simply executed him for murder, which is in effect what he was guilty of -- aside from theft and causing the loss of valuable property. Dunson would have been within his rights to do so. At a minimum he could have held him for arrest when they reached civilization.
Harsh? Maybe. But I can't understand why no one seems to want this idiot punished in any way, even short of the ultimate (and deserved) penalty of execution.