MovieChat Forums > The Naked City (1948) Discussion > Time travel in the 40s. ;)

Time travel in the 40s. ;)

Here's a mildly amusing one. Don't know if anyone else had this. But at one point in the film one of the characters is looking through his suitcase after being attacked and the detective says "what are you looking for, your BVDs?". To my ears, and never having heard of BVDs I could have sworn he said DVDs! I had to play it back and then google BVDs to make sure I wasn't going mad.

Okay, "mildly" may have been an overstatement to anyone that didn't hear the same thing. But hey, this message board only has two threads and the other one is a "Movie sucks" thread.

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I heard it as DVD too. Maybe he was checking if his expensive Chaplin bootleg collection was gone.

"An eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind"



Glad it wasn't just me. Still they had invisibility and teleportation in the 40's (allegedly) so why not DVDs.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.



does everyone know that "BVD'S" are underwear? wore them myself in my youth, actually until i got married.


Wow, the generation gap isn't about music. It's about underwear. I never blinked when he said "BVDs", and never considered that he had said anything else. Oh well. I frequently have to ask my 16 and 20 year olds to explain current references to me.


There are other countries on this planet: not everyone in the world is American (see below).

England Prevails


Other countries? There are other countries? Name one.


does everyone know that "BVD'S" are underwear? wore them myself in my youth, actually until i got married.

Wow, that's a long time to go without changing your underwear. I assume your new bride put her foot down.


Being over 50, I knew that he said BVD's. The fun thing about this movie was how they managed to solve this crime without all the technical assistance that we see today on shows such as "CSI". They had no cell phones, no walkie-talkies, no data bases, no DNA evidence. They solved it good old-fashioned foot work, logic and reasoning.


I heard BVD's, too, and am also over 50.

While they had none of the things you describe, there was already some sophistication in "crime scene investigation".

To see a contemporary example, check out MURDER STREET with Ricardo Montalban.

Sam Tomaino


I am 38, and I heard BVD's myself, but my first thought was surprise that that brand of underwear was such an old brand, having heard the advertising for them when I was a teenager.


You're right, they had none of the modern tech we have today for catching the bad guys. Maybe that's why so many innocents were electrocuted and hanged.


I'm over 50 as well and I also knew Fitzgerald said BVDs. It's very clear and distinct. I think that those who thought he said DVDs were just unconsciously substituting something they're familiar hearing with what was actually said. I think most of the Gen X and Y types never heard of BVDs and do not know they refer to a brand of underwear for men. But it is funny for someone to think that he said DVDs, considering that they were about 50 years away from being invented!

And you're right- with all the shows today dealing with criminal investigation and police work where they use all the modern technology to solve the crime, it's easy to forget that before all that, the police did it the old-fashioned way. And this is highlighted in the scene where Detective Halloran is walking to the drugstore where the murdered girl bought her scrips. Mark Hellinger narrates "An investigation for murder is now under way. It will advance methodically, by trial and error, by asking a thousand questions to get one answer, by brainwork and legwork." I'm sure a lot of today's generation would be surprised to learn that murders actually got solved before the advent of "CSI" and "Forensic Files"


To be fair CSI uses technology that doesn't even exist today. Lol.

For decades we've seen movies and TV shows use that imaginary technology where you somehow enhance a poor digital image and get a perfect shot of someone's face. I have no idea how realistic this movie really was, but I certainly found it a refreshing change.

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But hey, this message board only has two threads and the other one is a "Movie sucks" thread.

I think every single movie board that has any posts at all on it has at least one "Movie sucks" thread. Some of them have dozens. They are all, without exaggeration, perfectly interchangeable. Just switch the titles out.

I'm 31 and I know what BVDs are, but I did hear DVDs first. DVDs are a lot closer to the surface in my mind these days than BVDs are. But yeah, I definitely did the big Jon Stewart "HUNH?" for a second there.

It is 5 AM, and you are listening to Los Angeles.


Barry Fitzgerald said "BVDs" referring to underwear.


BVD stands for Bradley, Voorhees & Day, the New York City firm that initially manufactured underwear of this name for both men and women.

The BVD brand is still made to this day by Fruit of the Loom and sold by JCPenny.



I heard it as "DVDS" too! I had no idea what that was about until I found this thread.


if he had only said Fruit of the Looms all this could have been avoided. The writers should've known better.



I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.



Heard wrong, I am a afraid. Lp records were just starting in 1947-1948, and people thought of them as curiosities. And television, black and white and limited, was just making its debut.


Another pointless post, shrug,.. :(


I appreciate some people are just trying to be helpful but I wish they would realise I didn't seriously think they had DVD's in the 40s. Lol. You'd think the mention of time travel and the winking smiley in the title would give that away.

Still, I'm glad I posted the thread as it's been both fun and interesting.

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