Bunny Funkhauser?

The IMDb cast list shows Dan Tobin as playing interior designer Bunny Funkhauser in the film, but I do not recall seeing this character.

Just as well, I suppose. His ideas for their New York flat sucked.

And he was described as wearing open-toed shoes, which I find ghastly even on women let alone men.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


Maybe they were sandals??


Bunny's scenes were cut from the film. In the film the say "open-toed sandals". In the late 40's men didn't wear sandals at all except at the beach. If they wore sandals, they were the "fisherman" type with a closed toe and heel, but seldom worn anyway.


"Open-toed sandals" on men, back in the forties, was the polite way of saying he was gay.


Which makes the line even funnier, coming from Cary Grant.


Cary Grant was not gay. Geez - you believe any hack who writes something about a dead actor? I think Chandler and Joey were gay, too. I mean, they lived together when they didn't have to. Ya, right. I hate stupid people.


So, if a guy ever shared a house with another guy...automatically GAY!!!

In the '70s I rented a room in a house where two other guys had rooms, and they were both gay. Yet I assure you, my member has never felt the slightest tingle at the thought of another man. Believe it or not, everybody's not gay.


And/or an early beatnik, many of whom were openly gay or bi. But really, any man who did interior design would have automatically been thought gay. Same for any man in the arts at that time. And then there's the usually female name of Bunny. I'm sure if we had seen Bunny we would have been treated to some stereotypically gay body language as well. Alas, his scene seems to have ended up on the cutting room floor.


Gay or a Greenwich Village type. Very artsy.


Funkhauser, with a different first name, had a slightly more significant role in the book. No open-toes sandals, though.


I immediately thought that's where Larry David got Marty Funkhauser's name.
