Classic Comedy Never Goes Out Of Style

I've seen this movie numerous times, it's one of my all time favorites. Cary Grant was one of the best comedic actors of his time. Loy and Douglas are also marvelous. One of the best scenes in the movie is Myrna Loy picking the colors with the painter.Even if it is a little dated, it still is one of the better movies of it's day and proves that movies don't need sex and violence and profanity to provide entertainment.


Well, I don't mind sex and violence as long as it's germane to the story and well done. That aside...

I always found it interesting to compare this to the similar The Money Pit (which has sex and violins). While Money Pit has some laughs, it's not anywhere in Blandings league. It's the difference between a movie built on character and one built on gags.


The first part of the Money Pit is fantastic - the second half of the Money Pit gets very boring -

I also say "Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House" and "The Money Pit" are 2 great movies that anyone wanting to build a house, or that is sick of their apartment - needs to see!


Funny people were talking about this topic. I was wondering if any actress today could even touch Myrna Loy's cool, sophisticated, intelligent, deadpan humor. Seems like slap stick humor is more popular these days. Also, if the movie was done today, they'd probably figure out a way to avoid casting a woman in her 40s even though it would be appropriate. [Watching TV and movies, you'd think most jobs imaginable are staffed by someone under the age of 33.]

I really enjoyed Melvyn Douglas' style. He has a way to be the center of attention without being obnoxious about it.

It goes without saying Cary Grant was entertaining, too.

Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed. --Law of Probable Dispersal


i saw this movie and i laughed the whole time. It's hilarious.
You're absolutely right when you say that a movie doesn't need sex or violence to be funny. Old school humour should appear more on nowadays movies.
Cary grant was bloody fantastic!


I just saw this movie for the first time in a long time last weekend. There is theater near me that plays classic films on the big screen, and was playing this movie. I'd forgotten how funny it really was. No sex, no language, just classic humor that will last forever. I laughed myself silly with 200 other people and lots of popcorn.


I'm watching this right now.It's ridiculous.





Grant, Loy, and Douglas were all perfect in their roles. Mr. Blandings is 95 minutes of great fun.

"Dry your eyes baby, it's out of character."


I wholeheartedly agree. Just saw it for the first time last night. I'm 45 and think that Grant and Loy were wonderful together, though my favourite pairings of the two are when Grant is with Katharine Hepburn and Loy is with William Powell. This is definitely a 9/10 film IMHO and I would heartily recommend it to anyone.


It's definitely one of the best comedies ever made. 

Jim Hutton (1934-79) and Ellery Queen = 


It's definitely one of the best comedies ever made.

I agree. It's not groundbreaking, but I've yet to see any other comedy before or since any 1948 release that comes close to this film's subtle charm. It's so unusual and I can't explain why. It has a great cast, intelligent writing, a relatable premise, and that special something extra that keeps it from being a dull affair.



There are other great comedies, such as Ball of Fire (1941), Never Too Late (1965), Pillow Talk (1959), Who's Minding the Mint? (1967), and others. Unfortunately, I've also seen a lot of lousy comedies (mostly post-1980) which rely too much on dumb bathroom humor to get their point across.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen 🎇
