MovieChat Forums > Ladri di biciclette (1949) Discussion > Ending was too abrupt! *Spoilers*

Ending was too abrupt! *Spoilers*

No denouement in this film!! I wanted to know more of the end of their story - something, anything. The ending was much too abrupt for me. I was glad the man didn't go to jail for the bike theft, though - he really dodged a bullet there!!
Considering all the desperately poor people in Rome, I'm surprised he didn't make more of an effort to keep the bike secure in the first place. I'd have chained it to my leg, or something!!!
On a positive note, I thought the acting of the man & his son was terrific - I was truly shocked to learn they were amateurs.


Yeah I thought that too, I yelled 'NO!' and thought this can't be the end! but it was and all the more powerful for it after thinking about the film for days.

It's taken me years to finally watch this and I was blown away. The father and son, in fact everyone in this was good and it felt real and very desperate.

The end was so powerful, not only left desperate and without a means to work but stripped of his dignity and a failure in front of his son.



The ending was really the only one if life was being depicted as reality - as it was, and as something we don't often see on the screen. Yes, it was very abrupt - sort of like running up against a brick wall, which, ironically, is how the problem began in the first place - both literally and figuratively. We always talk about loving thy neighbor, but real life is hard, cold, and greed (and crime) permeate it - do thy neighbor one better is more the rule as to how things really are. The father, an honest man who only sought work, was ultimately driven to steal, himself, by his desperate circumstance, even paying the price of humiliating himself before his son. But the one saving grace is that he was not arrested and formally charged as a criminal. "Tomorrow is another day" for them, something that most people can relate to, and which keeps them moving forward - even having experienced the knocks and bumps of today and yesterday.


I wanted to know more of the end of their story

As the previous poster has said, the ending to this film went along with the realistic trend of the narrative. The final shot of Ricci and Bruno mixing in with the crowd of people can be seen as Ricci and Bruno being consumed by the harshest of the society in which they live in. Now Ricci will lose his job and will have to wait for another to come his way whilst struggling to keep his family in order financially.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".
