Three BIG problems with this film
First and foremost is the POV camera gimmick. When the audience should be concentrating on the plot it spends most of its time wondering how the camera is able to get through doors and climbs staircases. This was shot long before the steadycam, folks. The gimmick is just too much of a distraction. Second, is the CUTE Christmas tie-in. My guess is that it was going to be a Christmas release and "why not go that extra step and make it TAKE PLACE AT CHRISTMAS???" Thus another major distraction. And thirdly was Robert Montgomery's constant pissed off attitude. Marlowe doesn't get angry--he cracks wise. When people make him mad, he comes back with sarcastic remarks that make THEM mad. That's when they lash out and slug him. I hate to say this, but this film needs to be remade. 'Bye.