1. It's not an opinion weather it had good or bad criticism, it either did or it didn't.
2. You can not be a racist against a religion. That would be prejudice.
3. The movie is out today.
4. What are others denying?
5. Please type so people can understand what you are saying. You know, like punctuation and spelling?
The movie had a slight impact on America, while most other major producers during this time period were Jewish and would have nothing to do with this film, Twentieth Century Fox decided to grab it anyway.
The major theme of antisemitism really pushed the limits in this time period. Most everyone in Hollywood, wanted to brush off the hatred against Jews, but this movie made it known loud and clear.
Many people disregarded the film and hated it moral conflicts, it's a bit extreme to say, but this movie helped or atleast helped start a little known era called the Civil Rights Movement. I don't want to be misquoted saying this movie started it all, of course there were many many other factors, but it helped in some ways.
Also many of the A-Lister's involved with this film were blacklisted and had trouble finding work after this.
So yes this movie did have an impact.