MovieChat Forums > Gentleman's Agreement Discussion > Rooting for Dorothy Maguire

Rooting for Dorothy Maguire

At the fragile moment when two people are falling in love and getting married, especially with a difficult joining of different families and lifestyles....he is asking his fiancée to carry out an elaborate LIE and a charade. He practically jumps down her throat the moment she feels the least bit queasy about the the whole unsavory project.



Yeah, look at the 'luxury' of a forties Connecticut country home compared to the twenty bathroom monstrosities in the Hamptons etc. It is downright quaint. If I lived in Darien back then, I wouldn't want a lot of nouveau riche Jews moving in and I'M JEWISH!



When I was a suburban Jewish kid in the suburbs my mom and all her friends had 'helmet hair' hair-do's I had one rich WASP friend. His mom had straight cut shoulder length blond hair and drove a beat up station wagon and wore men's Oxford white shirts. They didn't have slip covers, they even let all their big dogs get on the furniture and chew it up. They drank a lot from a cart. It was fun pushing the cart, it clinked a lot. Their house looked like Katherine Hepburn's in Bringing Up Baby. Sigh....



The WASPS wouldn't have let any Jewish person buy a house near them at that time. Besides, I don't know of any Jew that would choose to live in a community where there is anti-semitism. His Army friend was not given a choice due to his circumstances.


Is that you Miss Wales (WALOVSKY!!!!)?

I'm joking of course
