How about a remake?

So much criticism on a movie about racial issues.
This film has been accused of being:
Drags on
Unworthy Academy Award winner
Hated actors
Actors hating actors
A Jew being unjustly corrected by a non-Jew
Incorrectly comparing this film (anti-Semitic views as a whole) to another
that's about one man who "Spoiler" murders a Jew because of his hatred and ignorance.

As I've stated here before, we are entitled to our opinions. If we can agree to that, then we must understand how the Oscar is awarded to that actor.
The Academy has their rules and opinions to choose the actor deserving that honor.

And if that year happens to be a "slow" year, the winner still had to be the better of another.

We can go back and forth on who was best for the Supporting Role but it still comes down to the Academy.

If this film was boring, maybe the next one will include those special effects that truly makes the movie worthwhile.
Books without pictures does not indicate one to be boorish.

The real story is here is anti-Semitism by those who deliver their message verbally
in a quick and shrewd manner.

So in essence, dialogue and a few racial epithets along with one attempted retaliation is Kazan's vehicle to make his point.

Perhaps this was a slow film to those who never been on the receiving end of a racial slur. But one does not need to be a minority to experience another's prejudice.

Prejudice is prevalent in many ways. I'm sure we all have been subject to some form of prejudice without it being racial.

It can be a form of ones physical stature or features.
It can also be a speech impediment or a style of dress in fashion.
It can also be as insignificant to our choice of a team in sports.

Choose one item that was a subject of ridicule and prejudice.
Take that item of ridicule and place it in the movie Gentleman's Agreement.

Now this movie begins to get very interesting.....


No good. It has to be an invisible difference.
The only thing I can think of is white assimilated middle eastern Moslems.
It wouldn't be a bad idea at that!


LMAO!! I was a Muslim for eight weeks!!


I was also thinking about a possible remake - what could be the topic of the contemporary remake? It cannot be about antisemitism, can it? That form of discrimination is not such a problem anymore in America or anywhere, as it was (apparently) in the 1940s. It cannot be about gender or racial discrimination either, because nobody can pretend to be of a different gender or race, without turning it into a comedy (which is not a bad thing, but that would be a completely different movie). Muslim or homosexual could be possible topics. Perhaps some serious illness.
