No discussion at all?

That's odd.

I think this film is far from perfect (which goes for most films), but it's certainly highly watchable, and has very good chemistry between Lana Turner an Spencer Tracy.

Oh, and the kitten gotta be the cutest I've ever seen on screen! ;)


yes. sinclar lewis did great things.
I would love to have seen the sequal, Kingblood royal, about a white guy who discovers he is black, cass in that too.


That kitten is ridiculously cute!!! I just saw it in the movie and came here to see if anyone was talking about it. haha

I hated that scene where Spencer Tracy hissed at the poor little kitten and scared him into scrambling up the stairs. His little legs were barely able to make it up each step. That was MEAN. The kitty was just a sweet little baby all alone (and before anyone says "It's just a movie" the kitten doesn't know that and he was clearly TERRIFIED).


Did I miss where it said if the cute kitty was ok after the dog attack??? Did the cat make it???


Cass said, when he arrived at the party, that the cat will be fine.


If you read the book, you get more insight into their relationship. The reason Jenny lost her baby was because she was diabetic. Stillbirth is a complication of diabetes. One of the reasons she wants to leave Grand Republic was because she felt like she was in a prison, everyone watching her diet and exercise, etc. They leave that old mausoleum and build a much smaller, contemporary house. Jenny was not in a car wreck, but went into a diabetic coma in New York. The ending, however was the same. Sadly though, Cleo did not make it. I liked the book and movie a lot. It was a there's no place like home tale and the late 40's sets were stunning.


Just saw this movie on TCM. It would have been great if they showed the cat coming into the room at the very end of the movie when Lana and Spencer were embracing ! I love cats !


I loathe cats, and yet I found the kitten in this movie appealing. Not so much the grown-up cat who took over the role in the later scenes.


Give credit to the kitty for a superb job of acting. He had some people believing that he was actually scared (and clearly TERRIFIED) when he scrambled up the stairs. Too bad they didn't have an Oscar category that year for best performance by a kitten.


I just saw this for the very first time. I thought it was quite good! I don't think that I'd seen Spencer Tracy and Lana Turner paired up before and they were actually quite good. She seems very strong in this. She came across as having found her sea legs and maturity and set the tone for the rest of her career.

And, yeah, that kitty sure was cute!


When Lana and Spencer are alone in Cass's chamber in the beginning-Jenni certainly fully undressed him with her eyes after he took off the robe.
There was some real chemistry between the two.
