Is it just me but does Lawrence Tierney's character in Born to Kill remind you of GWB? Not just the all-consuming avarice and ruthless, unprovoked violence, but he kinda looks like him too!
"Alonzo is laughing at the way everything has happened."
I know it's almost too incredible to believe, but there actually ARE some women in this country who are attracted to a grunting, illiterate half-wit like Bush. It makes you wonder if they're the product of a degenerate culture of ignorance and fanaticism, or if there own fathers were simply brainless imbeciles like George.
You mean like the conferences Obama attended in Europe and Turkey in April? The one where thousands upon thousands of smiling world citizens turned out to cheer our president and wave American flags? You mean his warm reception in the Middle Eastern nation of Turkey? You mean the throngs of excited, cheering troops who turned out to surround, hug and photograph him in Iraq? You mean our Commander in Chief's defeat of Somali pirates and rescue of the hostage ship captain? No, these weren't staged photo ops with actors, they weren't photoshopped images to make the crowds look bigger, and there were no phoney rubber turkeys involved. No Fraud Joe the Not-Plumber. This is the real world; no lies necessary.
It's working out quite well, thank you.
You're desperately hoping our nation falls under Obama. You would destroy America to jack up your fringe political fanaticism. But the real failure is your torturing, mass-murdering idiot boy-king Bush.
And no end but an increase in warrantless wiretaps. Your comment about Joe reveals your childish need for affirmation. When we investigate YOU for merely answering an unsolicited question from a candidate, we will see who does the screaming. Did you say troops in Iraq? They still there? Huh. What was his promise about that? Oh, and those smiling troops were pre-screened as Obama voters, you idiot. No rubber turkeys, but plenty of teleprompters, and performing virtual fellatio on a Saudi. You must be so proud. And jealous? And if our Commander-in-Chief (first time you ever used that phrase?) decides we must kill 5000 Somali pirates in an attack, are you going to whine about 'mass murder'? Go back to your 500 posts on Huffington, little nobody.
lol, you teabagging idiot, this ain't communist China. the US military doesn't "pre-screen" soldiers to attend visits of the Commander in Chief...or any other event. if you had served any time in uniform you would have enough sense not to make such an ignorant statement. how much longer are you gonna keep whining and playing the victim? get over it already or do the world a favor and commit suicide. there's a sucker born every minute, so you wont be missed, trust me.
He was the ultimate unreasonably paranoid ticking time-bomb, perfect for roles like this and Dillinger. I don't see why we need to drag Bush into this. You would never see Tierney smile that often, he pretty much scowls constantly.
Is it just me or does theboov's post remind you of a rabid Hate-America leftwinger posting from the basement of Daily KOS or the Soros Open Society Institute?
Lawrence Tierney has more sex appeal in one of his glowering looks or smoke out the nostrils than George W Bush has in his whole body. Tierney comes across as a barely contained bruiser who can do some damage if he puts his mind to it.
Very appealing to women who like virile men. Basically Lawrence Tierney is the opposite of many popular men these days such as Zac Efron or Tom Cruise.
I'm amazed that there are still Bush haters out there. (It's called "Bush Derangement Syndrome" and I guess once stupid people catch it, it never goes away.) I would think that anyone with half a brain would realize that he was a much better President than the one we have now. Bush never lied, even though the Bush haters with the help of our biased media claimed he lied about WMD. (If that were true, then every Democrat who said Saddam had WMD also lied...and most of them did.) Obama can't give a speech without lying. The only thing keeping his approval ratings above 40 right now is the biased media and people who couldn't name the V.P. if their miserable lives depended on it. (It's Joe Biden.) Let me be the first to say it. "Hey, folks, the Emperor-like person now sitting in the White House is wearing no clothes!" Wake up! Our Country is changing into a debtor nation with no future!
I'm GOP but have to agree "Dubya" isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the case! But I never considered him terribly corrupt like either Nixon or Bill Clinton, either. And Bush II only echoed (but soon ACTED upon) the same concerns as Clinton did (when the latter was POTUS) re: Saddam & WMD's; but the wacko element among the libs conveniently "forgets" this fact and continues raging on to this day how that everything that ever happened in the "war on terrorism" originated with Dubya and/or his Republican cronies--which AIN'T quite the whole story, not by a damn sight!
On a different note: Someone in the thread mentioned they "didn't remember" Tierney's character in "Reservoir Dogs." Unbelieveable!!! He was ONLY the ringleader of the whole, criminal operation! The "old guy," remember???
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I'm amazed by people, most of whom have never graduated from a four year college, who are always saying things like: "Bush wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer". Bush only graduated from Yale and then from Harvard Business School! Maybe he didn't graduate from the top of his class, but he received better grades than the "supposedly" smarter John Kerry. He also beat the supposedly smarter John Kerry as well as the supposedly smarter "Algore" in their respective debates. Bush won and served two terms as both governor of one of our greatest states as well as the presidency. He left office bloodied by the Democrats and their allies in the media, but he left it unbowed. He did a decent job and the mistakes he made were made trying to work with Democrats which is always a mistake because they never pay back in kind. Overall, if history is not written by Liberal college professors, he will be judged as our best president since Ronald Reagan and up to and including Obama.
Okay, jawebster2000, you called me pretty good on that one, even the part about my not having graduated from four years of college.
I guess my attitude about GWB stems mostly from his many, famous malpropisms and other awkward instances in his public life. But I usually say things like this to throw a bone, as it were, to liberals while making my rebuttal to other points of theirs with which I may more vehemently disagree.
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