MovieChat Forums > The Bishop's Wife (1948) Discussion > Another Religious Reference

Another Religious Reference

The movie ends on Christmas Eve, the day Dudley doesn't show up and everyone worries about him. The day before (the 23rd) is when he takes Julia skating and she buys the hat. On the 22nd he starts work. He actually introduces himself to the Bishop the night before, on the 21st.

The Catholic Church has changed the date of a feast day celebrated on this date, although I read it is still celebrated by Anglicans and some Eastern Orthodox on the 21st; however, at the time the film was made, the celebration still would have been on the 21st for both the Roman church and the Episcopal. So is it mere coincidence then--or not--that Dudley arrives on the feast day of St. Thomas the Apostle, to help a man who is a "doubting Thomas" for much of the film? :-)


Nice observation. I guess only the creative powers that wrote and produced the film knew for sure. Nice thought, though.
