MovieChat Forums > The Bishop's Wife (1948) Discussion > Inside Joke w/ Monty Woolley

Inside Joke w/ Monty Woolley

When Prof. Wutheridge asks Dudley, "Where have I seen you before ?" it's a sly reference to the movie "Night & Day," released the year before "Bishop's Wife." In N&D, Grant played Cole Porter, while Monty played one of his professors (!) at Yale, who fosters Porter's career. (The Professor in N&D, strangely enough, is named Prof. Monty Woolley --- in real life, before becoming a movie actor, Woolley had actually been a prof at Yale, and had indeed fostered Cole Porter's career.)

"J'ai l'oeil AMÉRICAIN !"


Wow, I'm grateful that you brought our attention to that! I didn't realize until I read your post. Good insight!

/s/ Signature? Nah, I don't want to sign anything.


Thanks columntwentyfive ! The banter between Grant & Woolley in TBW has always been a treat, but knowing that they were in "Night & Day" as prof & student the year before adds a special chuckle to the proceedings !

J'ai l'œil AMÉRICAIN !


Very interesting, thank you for mentioning this!

Doctor Who fan


Thanks for sharing this fact. Though I've seen Night and Day and The Bishop's Wife before I had never seen them close enough in time to remember the casting. These are the kinds of insights that the IMDb is really good for.
