Ice skating scene

What does any one about who really did the ice skating in this scene?


Just re-watched this fun, charming movie. I, too, got to wondering who did the terrific skating. In a couple of shots it certainly looks like a double (a little more hair and thicker eyebrows than Grant), but the scene is so cleverly lit and filmed, it is hard to tell.

There's some conflicting information on the web. Here's what I found:

From an interview with Karolyn Grimes (who played Debby):

"Cary Grant really did ice skate and there was an ice skating rink on the set. He would come and get me everyday at lunch time and pull me around on a sled. He was wonderful!"

From a review at Amazon:

"Cary Grant always made everything look easy, but just how much work went into that illusion is exemplified by this film. Before shooting began, Grant could not ice skate, play the harp, or speak any French. By the time "The Bishop's Wife" was finished shooting, he could do all three."

From another review, at Scott Marks' Emulsion Complusion

"What’s amazing is, 80% of the scene is shot with doubles and for a change you don’t care and actually buy into it. Even though he’s a head shorter, the Grant double, hired for his world class skating skills, is remarkably convincing..."

If anyone knows anything definitive, please share.


I just saw it on TCM and it is a wonderfully magic scene. I too wondered if that was Cary Grant doing the skating. Perhaps a few of the shots were him, but since most of the shots were from behind and at a good distance from the camera I assume it was a double. Also notice how when they do face the camera there are shadows over their faces. If they had gone to all the trouble of getting Gary Grant and Loretta Young to ice skate, you know they'd show them up closer.



Hummm, saw part of this movie last season for the first time, and jumped at watching it last night. For some reason I have missed most Christmas movies.

Vesele Vianoce!!!!


Don't know who it was, but it must have been a professional.
The guy looked shorter than Cary Grant,
and as mentioned, if it was Cary Grant,
they'd have shot them up close.
The skating scene seemed kind of too long.


<The skating scene seemed kind of too long.>

Oh, I think it is a great 'feel good' scene. Everyone having a great time, the music was wonderful. One of the best scenes in the film.


It'a obviously a stunt double. If you look closely, the person skating is wearing a "Cary Grant" mask.


Grant does some of his own skating in this scene - there are obvious full shots of him skillfully skating up to and stopping near Julia, But the "ice dancing" longshots are done by doubles. You don't have to look too closely to see the physical differences in the male skater from Grant. But the magic of the scene is not lost - not at all.

Cabbie Sylvester's initial sloppy skating might've been faked by the actor, who could have been a decent skater otherwise, but I think his artistic turn on the pond was done by a double, too. But I never looked that deeply at his longshots.


Being a clown skater is not as easy as one would suppose. I watched the movie for the umpteenth time last night and found myself wondering about who did the skating for the trio.


That was definitely a talented stunt skater pretending to no be able to skate. Those kinds of acts were very popular at a certain time in history. I was very enjoyable to watch. The stunt double for Grant was very obvious. His face was darkened into a shadow and he did not really look like him in stature.


I've always wondered if it was Dick Button. A bit young, but you'd also think over time much would be made that they used 1 of the most famous skaters ever.


It's 100% certain that stunts were used. What bugs me is that old man Goldwyn didn't give the professional skaters credit. Did he really mean to "fool" the audience into thinking that Grant and Young did their own dancing on ice?


I believe the skater who did the Sylvester part was a former Olympic champion who also specialized
in the comedic "drunk" on skates roles in touring shows. I'm sure there were many excellent professional ice skaters of the period who did stunt skating for the movies.

-- If Ewan McGregor were a lollipop I'd be a diabetic strumpet --


Dick Button was 16/17 during this filming and only a year later won Gold
in the Winter Olympics figure skating, so it is possible.
I'm guessing that he has an autobiography, wonder if that says anything.

Definitely doubles for all three.

Come on lads, bags of swank!


According to Wikipedia, Eugene Turner doubled for Cary Grant. He was a a very accomplished skater and then skating teacher. I could find no plausible information on who the others might be.


IMDB credits "Babe" Agamenoni as the stunt skater. That would be Aldarico "Babe" Agamenoni, who skated for the Loyola Marymount University hockey team in the late 30's. The editing between him and James Gleason was very skillfully done.

The value of an idea has nothing whatsoever to do with the sincerity of the man who expresses it.-Oscar Wilde


One way to tell whether studios are using stunt doubles, and not just for skating, is by the camera shots. If the star only appears in cuts to closeups you can bet stunt doubles are being used without even having to look at the stunt people. If the stars were actually skating or whatever the studio would film them doing so clearly because it would be to the credit of the star and a possible selling point for the film.
