That hat...

This is one of my favorite holiday movies, but that hat always stops me in my tracks. Generally, I love forties fashion, but the hat that the Bishop's Wife so admires is, frankly, strange and not the least bit attractive. Was this a deliberate joke that we modern viewers don't 'get'? The satin ribbon tie seems old fashioned and the flowers and bows make me think of an Anglican Carmen Miranda. Anybody know if there's a story behind the selection of that hat? Thanks!


I agree. I've seen this movie so many times and have wondered the same thing. I watched it last night on TCM and as she was walking up to the hat store window I was thinking about how nice the hat she was wearing looked on her. Loretta Young had such beautiful features and the first hat she wears looks great on her. I have a feeling that back in that time period holiday hats were a little over the top.


To me it looked more like an Easter bonnet. I do not care for it either. But it was not made for me, it was made for Julia. I think it was made for her. There are so many small miracles in the movie. I think it would in keeping with the theme of the film to have a hat from her dreams.


I have the answer, they particularly chose that awful hat to
overshadow her features in the skating scene, the hat was so
rediculous you watched the hat instead of her face, and yes
the first hat reminded me of a safari hat and looked gorgeous
on her.


If you thought Loretta's hat was bad, you really NEED to see the shop-window hat that Garbo picks up in Ninotchka. I promise you'll think Loretta's hat is gorgeous afterwards!


The Hat was absolutely Perfect. It was EXPENSIVE and Impractical.... made with rich material, bright colours and gaudy flowers. To Julia, it was the loveliest thing she'd ever seen, and it was probably the only time in her life that the had the guilty pleasure of buying something for the sheer JOY of it.

That hat symbolised that Julia was MORE than just "The Bishop's Wife"....and that even a "Bishop's Wife" is allowed to have fun.

To me, it was GORGEOUS. 

I do hope he won't upset Henry...


That is some truly hideous headgear. Dudley should have let the fat lady buy it, just to get it away from Julia.
