bishops wife location
does this movie take place in New York?
shareIn the beginning of the movie, when Dudley helps the blind man across the street, the street he helps him cross is Madison Ave. It may only be by implication, but to me that makes the locale of the movie New York City. At least that's what I think.
"Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble & beautiful end of a Human Being"
Isn't the Bishop at St John's Cathedral?
That's a very famous Episcopalian Cathedral, and it's in New York City.
I may be remembering the name incorrectly, but I know that St John's Cathedral is a very large complex and is located in NYC. (I'm Canadian, but my dad is an Anglican priest, and he told me that once when I was reading a Madeleine L'Engle book that mentioned St John's Cathedral.)
I enjoy this movie very much and I flipped when it was released on home video because I knew that there would be parts that I never saw before. TV prints were always cut up. The location of where the movie was supposed to take place was never exactly disclosed but the opening scenes of the holiday window display happenes to look all to New York-ish. Everyone agree?
The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is indeed in Manhattan, in Morningside Heights. 110th St. and Amsterdam Ave. It's a lot older than this movie is too.
The lack of traffic and people on the streets, not to mention the park seems to be in the middle of nowhere, not to mention other streets shown, make me think this is supposed to be somewhere other than NYC. Even in the 1940s, single dwelling houses with yards on treelined streets were not a part of Manhattan.
When I watched this movie, the thought of it being New York never crossed my mind. Despite the festive holiday window displays, I agree with MissAnnThrope that the single dwelling houses on tree lined streets, the lack of traffic and people make it seem like it's not NYC. To me it appeared more like a small city, perhaps in New England or somewhere else with plenty of snow.
shareIn the snowball fight scene...isn't that the Lincoln Memorial I see in the background??
We all know where that is...Washington DC.
> .isn't that the Lincoln Memorial I see in the background??
Buildings with Greek columns like the one you see were very popular in big city parks in the past. For instance, there's one in Roger Williams Park in Providence, RI, called "The Temple of Music." Sunday concerts used to be given there.
I thought that it was meant to allude to New York, or a big city like New York without explicitly saying they were in New York. There are enough non-New York features (like the single-family houses near the park, "Sanctuary Hill," Madison intersecting State St., etc.) to debunk a notion of it being set in New York.
How many Madison Avenues are there? There must be plenty in many American cities.
St. Timothy's REALLY reminds me of the little church near the end of Mott St. in New York. That's Chinatown, but I'm sure it wasn't always. Where Mott Street comes down the hill and bends near Pell St.
Yes, I would have to agree with jackboot --- the movie's set in a "New York-like" city, a fantasy New York, a fictional and idealized NYC. Will try to re-read the original story to see if there are other clues.
J'ai l'œil AMÉRICAIN !
To me, the setting has always looked more like a medium-sized town than like a city. It could be some town in upstate New York.
shareHi nicole ---
The movie unquestionably has numerous small- or medium-sized-town moments, which give it much of its dependably comfy hominess & charm, which we all crave & love !
In the snowball / snow-fort scenes, however, there are definitely some very tall buildings in the distance.
A grand cathedral of the order imagined by Mrs. Hamilton and the Bishop at the beginning of the movie (with several memorial chapels) would likely have been out of place anywhere other than a major city.
....and we tend to forget, up until the 1960s or 1970s, despite its mid-town being a booming metropolis, NYC still had plenty of neighborhoods or regions that were relatively quiet enclaves, untouched by the hustle & bustle of mid-town.
At the time the movie was made, a visitor to NYC could have experienced both a bustling metropolis, as well as relatively quiet and charming areas.
J'ai l'œil AMÉRICAIN !
I was wondering the same thing. In the beginning I thought it was filmed in England but then there were times it felt like the USA. I didn't think it would be New York though.