Mason was cruel and even sadistic, and no healthy woman would want to be with him.
By the end of the movie, I was in love with Nicholas and I am quite healthy physically and mentally (at least that's what the doctors told me.
Okay now I'm starting to worry if they gave me a thorough enough examination or not...)But I can definately understand the reaction to Nicholas. I thought he was atrocious at the beginning, but when Nicholas demonstrated in his own passionate (and unique) way of his need for Francesca by trying to smash her fingers, I thought, "What a bastard." However at the same time I was comically amused and thinking, "Aww... He just wants attention." He reminded me of a giant, slightly cruel teddy bear who would growl if you came near it but brood and be on the verge of tears if you left it.
Nicholas and Francesca are like a cross between Mr. Rochester/Jane Eyre and Professor Higgins/Eliza. I guess Nicholas being like a cross between Higgins and Rochestor and also looking like a very, very angry Gregory Peck played a part in drawing me to Nicholas.
I was silently hoping that Francesca would choose him at the end and thought, "No, she's wouldn't do that.." Imagine my surprise when she did. O_o