Sophie's Apartment...spoiler.. .
Did Sophie really just die then..."almost" a year later? Or did she die that night she ran out into the rain half-drunk half-drugged...ran away from Larry?
And did Larry really just walk away from her that night ...never to look back? At least not until he got the call from the police ..."almost" a year later? Or did Larry try to find Sophie? If so...why did he never look for her at her apartment?
Or did Sophie truly disappear ...only because she had actually been killed that rainy night...and the police just finally found her body...almost a year later?
The reason I because I'm confused...(in part because I saw the remake first...and her death was immediate). So I was surprised that "almost" a year later...Sophie's apartment/room...was still there with her belongings... untouched.
This woman was a drunk who was killed by thugs... (thugs who probably sold drugs or were johns)...yet her nice little room was still there "almost" a year later just waiting for her. Who was paying her rent all those months?
(Or had she cleaned up her act... since it was kind of nice place for such an in-the-gutter-drunk-N-drug-addict. And if she hadcleaned up her act...why was she still killed?)
I doubt if it was the brute at the night club paying her rent in her absence...or some other drug-pushing-john. Why would they? It certainly wasn't Larry...who apparently thought she had simply disappeared...and didn't know she was dead...or even where her apartment was. So who paid for it?
Realistically... it seems like the landlord would have boxed-up Sophie's few belongings ...and maybe stored them in the attic...if not just thrown them away.
It just would have been much more believable (to me)...if the writers had added a landlord...and the landlord retrieved Sophie's box of belongings for Larry and the police.
So...what was it? Was Sophie just then killed when the police found her? And if so... it makes Isabel seem less guilty. A 'sudden' death makes Isabel seem more like she pushed Sophie... but if a year had passed...then it would seem more like Sophie's own fault for not seeking help...and helping herself.