Wow !!!

only four pages of comments I thought it would be more. the scene where the cop fired at George as he ran away after punching the cop always struck me as a scene which could have been more logical by having the cop think about firing but then realizing not only is the guy running away and not pressing the attack but that there are a lot of people in the line of fire. im surprised he didn't accidently kill someone. lol



Many, many pages of IAWL discussions have been deleted by admin over the years, unfortunately.

Bert using his firearm there demonstrates the chaos which is Pottersville. That would never happen in Bedford Falls.

I used to think I knew everything about the world. Now I just know that it's round.


This amazing movie needs more positive threads, I agree.


In the old days "stop or I'll shoot" was normal procedure.

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


And people stopped and if they didn't stop they were shot.

And no one protested.


Ghost lives matters.
