MovieChat Forums > It's a Wonderful Life (1947) Discussion > Harry and Bert the cop at the end

Harry and Bert the cop at the end

Just watched again and now I noticed a goof.
Correct me if I'm wrong but when Bert found George at the bridge, George took off and ran through town and then home.
Bert shows up at the Bailey house a few minutes later with Harry. How did Bert know to go pick up Harry at the airport and then make it to the house that quickly?


Wasn't it Ernie the cab driver who picked up Harry at the airport?


I just watched the ending again and you're right, it's Bert who says he picked up Harry at the airport. I guess with this movie you have to suspend disbelief a little bit. The time frames were probably condensed. No one really knows how far of a walk it is from the bridge to George's house. But why Bert the cop would pick up someone at the airport and not Ernie the cabbie is strange in itself let alone how Bert ended up bringing an accordion over to the house. I guess he kept it in his patrol car all the time.


Or it belonged to the Baileys and he saw it so he decided to play it.


I was wrong. I just watched it and saw that Bert did indeed bring the accordion in the door with him. Oops


Bert picking up Harry at the airport = police escort for a returning hero.


As someone on the Straight Dope Message Board said, "[Bert is] a full-service police officer." :)
