So, What of Nick?

In Bedford Falls, Nick is the bartender at Martini's.

But in Pottersville, Martini is nowhere to be seen and Nick owns his own bar, called Nick.

So, why are we to believe that Nick is better off being an employee of Mr. Martini than he is as owner of his own business, and why is Mr. Martini absent in Pottersville?

Of course I suppose one could point out that as an employee in Bedford Falls Nick is a nice man while as a business owner in Pottersville he is mean and surly so I guess it could be said that he is happier in Bedford Falls than he is in Pottersville but there is really no explanation as to why.


I don't know if this was in the original screenplay only or if this was an actual deleted scene, but apparently there was a brief shot of Martini's gravestone in the Pottersville cemetery in an early cut of the film.
Presumably Nick was a more easygoing guy working for Martini and had been hardened and disillusioned by growing up in Pottersville.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



I believe in the original screenplay, George found out that Martini had died in a house fire in his Potter's Field house.


Yes, I suppose growing up in Pottersville would harden someone a lot more than growing up in Bedford Falls, but I find the differences between the two Nicks kind of fascinating.

Had never heard about the original story/script and Mr. Martini.
