Plot summary here on IMDb is deceiving!!
I adore It's a Wonderful Life, it's a beautiful & truly great film, and i cry everytime at the end. I've loved it for many years.
Except my first viewing of it...
And that is because the summary given here on IMDb is deceiving.
The summary that's given here is only relevant for the last 20m & first 5m of the film. The other 105m of the film have barely anything to do w/that summary. Which disappointmed me ALOT when i saw it for the first time, because those segments were the best & the rest wasnt interesting to me.
So when i decided to rewatch this, i knew this & i was prepared. And i loved it soooo much more.
I've experienced this (of either some sort of spoiler in the plot summary) MANY times here on IMDb, which is a shame!