One of my faves

I'd always heard of this musical, and seen clips of it, but never seen it until I checked it out of the library in the early 90's and fell in love with it.
Something that impressed me is, living in New Mexico for around 30 years, the R.R. station scene was that native americans depicted were Navajo, with traditional dress, Ive seen so many errors in other movies Re:N.M..
Also the waltz scene was so beautiful (The pretty girls didn't hurt anything either) and the "Swing your partner (or"Round and Round") song. I recently bought a DVD and am driving my 21 year daughter crazy (that's a short drive) playing that part over and over, fortunatly My wife really likes it.
I too, prefer this to MMISL.


It sounds like a wonderful movie, I've been dying to see it since I'm a big fan of both Garland and Bolger. I was wondering, what role does Bolger play in this movie? Is he a main character? Is he a love intrest or something?

"Victor, I love you, but you're not mine..."


Ray Bolger plays the character of Chris he is one who along with the Harvey Girls make a new start in Sand Rock,he becomes the new blacksmith.He has a scene with Alma that I think in a comical way hints at a romance,I'm not sure it that was intended but that is the way I took it.RB is a supporting character in the movie-great in the dance scene.I too love the waltz scene,the women have beautiful dresses in every pretty color you can think of.I love this movie and try never to miss it.Unlike MMISL which I can take ot leave.


The romance between Bolger and Virginia O'Brien fell by the wayside when she got pregnant according to George Sidney's commentary. Must have been something in the water because tough guy Hodiak came down with the mumps!

According to Sidney, there is a flub in the song because the railroad didn't go to Santa Fe at the time, but it sounded good. Although he isn't credited anywhere I have seen, Andy Williams and his brothers were in that mammoth number.

Somebody else who goes uncredited is Tex Cooper, a character who always dressed as Buffalo Bill and appears in God knows how many crowd scenes in westerns and serials. On the deleted scenes tape/DVD of THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT III, Cooper even gets to sing one line "Me for the campfire hot on the trail."

One of the conductors is a member of the Harvey family.


I don't think Andy Williams or the Williams Brothers appear in the film, but their voices do appear on the soundtrack (ditto GOOD NEWS) by way of their connection with Kay Thompson.


Kay Thompson rocks. Is there anyone like her today? Of course there are no musicals coming out every week and the nightclub scene is different, but is there someone helping artists shape their act or instruct on how to deliver the full potential of a song?


I've never been able to figure out what Bolger's role is. He seems to be a part of the entourage of young women who want to be Harvery girls, and he does have a romance seemingly with frozen-faced Virginia O'Brien who got pregnant and dropped out of the picture. He also have a solo dance number where he winds up in the arms of Jack Lambert.
Lambert is an odd choice due to his long career as henchmen, outlaws and gangsters. Difficult to know if he enjoyed working with Bolger or appearing in an MGM musical since he never seemed to change his expression.


I watched this film for Cyd Charisse and Virginia O'Brien (whom I adore). I was never a big Judy Garland fan but this film along with a few others (such as Meet Me In St.Louis) have helped me learn to tolorate her and even appreciate her a little. My fave number is "Itis A Great Big World".



I really thought this was one of Garland's lesser films the first time I saw it, but it grew on me with multiple viewings and I really enjoy it now.


I adore the music. All of the songs are winners.

John Hodiak makes a wonderful "bad boy" hero ultimately tamed by love.

This movie has one of the most satisfying romantic movie endings in the history of filmmaking. There's a very good balance of comedy, romance, action and music/dancing. It's in my top 10 movie favorites list.

"Who's drivin' the car, Ben?" Lucas Buck
